In Memorium: Steven “Stormin’ Norman” Mathews

Steven "Norm" Mathews
Steven "Norm" Mathews at work lighting on Depleted: Day 419

The hearts and prayers of all the people behind Depleted: Day 419 go out to the family of Steven “Norm” Mathews.  Norm, Depleted: Day 419‘s lighting technician, was killed in a fatal car wreck yesterday morning outside of Louisville, KY.   He was only 24.

Let Your Voice Be Heard…

The World of Depleted community is now open for membership.  Membership will allow you to easily comment on any of your favorite blog posts, and will give you secret access to certain exclusive new content before anyone else sees it!  Don’t miss out on secret downloads, covert Depleted news, and mind-blowing insight into the ravaged World of Depleted!  Just register on the World of Depleted home page to get involved.

The Gavin Hesterdale Journal…

The Broken Cars

The Broken CarsThe brilliant Gavin Hesterdale was the investigative journalist who trained Jenna Whitmore.   A year before the Fall, Gavin had a religious experience and started having prophetic visions of the future.  He spoke of a “lawless apocalypse” and a future cataclysm that would rend man to his very foundations.  Unfortunately, no one would listen to him.  Cut off from the rest of humanity, he became a hermit who lives in the wilderness, attempting to master the ways to survive.

His journal gives insight into the things he knew were coming and the information that can help you survive the reality of the Fall.  The ink and chalk drawings from his dreams, give a chilling look at what is to come!

Read it all in the new:

Entry to Depleted’s World!

First color grading session for Depleted: Day 419…

While we continue to work on the audio and score for Depleted: Day 419, I sat down with DP Nate Eckelbarger today to begin creating the final look for the riveting gun battle, as well as the overall color grade for the film.  While additional work will be done to perfect this, we’ve made a lot of headway and are excited by how things are coming along.

Who is Gavin Hesterdale?

The secret of Jenna’s enigmatic mentor, Gavin Hesterdale, and his amazing predictions of the Fall will begin to be revealed starting on Monday, July 19th. Only by knowing how it all began, can you hope to survive the way it will end!

Narration recorded on Saturday…

Kat Carney Records Narration for Day 419

Kat Carney Records Narration for Day 419
Kat Carney battled a sore throat to successfully record her narration this past Saturday for Depleted: Day 419.

Kat Carney’s narration for Depleted: Day 419 was successfully recorded at Oakwood Sound Design on Saturday.   She was a trooper despite the fact that she was struggling with a sore throat.  To combat that, we helped her keep going on a fluid regimen of hot herbal tea and honey.

In the end, it all went well and we’re excited to be able to get a final timing cut on the film with the final narration.