Taking off the gloves and getting real…

Hey folks,

Lo-Fi Podcast
Screen Cap from my Lo-Fi Podcast

One of the things that’s been brought abundantly to my attention of late is that the World of Depleted needs to be something that is authentic and honest. We’re exploring some pretty dark elements of the human condition and one of the most pervasive mysteries surrounding this world. I realized that I was often times so tied up with trying to make everything look just right–whether it be the site, or the publicity, or the interactivity–that, at times, I was slowing down the process of getting content out there. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t strive for excellence, because that will always be of primary importance, but there’s a big difference between striving for excellence and being swamped in the doldrums of perfectionism. One is attainable and helps you move forward, while the other swamps your creativity and sucks your soul dry.

As such, to help combat that, I’m launching the new Lo-Fi World of Depleted podcast. Experimental as everything else in World of Depleted, this pod-cast has all the niceties of modern filmmaking stripped away and, with it, lots and lots of the time wasting perfectionism I struggle with, as well. I’ll shoot it with my old school iPhone 3GS with no internal edits, no extra lights, no tripod, and no extra audio. In the process, my commentary is going to be a lot more raw and a lot more real. You’ll get to see things we’re working on at the good times, but also at the bad times, when we want to bash our heads through walls.

At the end of the day, the time for fear is past. If we are to explore the darkest things that go thump in the night, we’ve all got to move beyond our own insecurities and the things that tie us up! Hopefully this will prove to be beneficial to all of us as we explore the future!

I look forward to sharing the journey and the mystery together!

With that said, I invite you to check out the two initial podcasts, below!


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