Fred Koskin to interview Canonized Contributor, Jojo Stratton…

It has now been officially announced that World of Depleted Contributor, Fred Koskin, will be interviewing Jojo Stratton about her recently canonized stories, her personal vision for her corner of Depleted, and what she’s been excited about in the future!  While an official date hasn’t been set for the interview, due to the fact that Viking Productions is closed for Passover next week, it’s a good bet that it’ll be at the end of the month!

Coming Soon: New Canonized Content: It’s None Of Your Business!

It’s been announced that a new story from Jojo Stratton has now been Canonized and will be released shortly.

Depleted Battered Black Barn
Photo by Jeremy Hanke.

Focusing on Jo and Minako, the two main protagonists from the first story, this one is set two months earlier in the American South! At 27 pages and 7000 words, this marks the longest contribution to date. When asked about the new contribution, founder Jeremy Hanke had this to say: “I think it’s very exciting to see fans like Jojo that are really embracing the black sandbox and exploring the dark world of Depleted. I personally found her to tale compelling and can’t wait to see the new content she brings to the table!”

World of Depleted Stories to be reprinted by Megaton…

Megaton Website

Megaton WebsiteThose of you who’ve been following World of Depleted news know that the Viking team has been working with post-apocalyptic expert, Megaton, to make World of Depleted more compelling and accessible. Known for his Post-Apocalyptic Forum and his massive connections with the post-apocalyptic underground, Megaton has decided that he will be reprinting some of World of Depleted’s Canonized tales in his official story section. World of Depleted contributors and fans are excited about this opportunity to share these tales with a larger community of post-apocalyptic fans!

So far it’s been announced that Jojo Stratton and Fred Koskin’s introductory tales will be reprinted, but it seems likely that any number of World of Depleted tales will show up there, as well.